This is a blog of our preparation and cruising experiences aboard our sailboat, C-Time. There are many more posts on the other pages, so be sure to click on the "Starboard" and "Port" tabs.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Oh Boy!!

He's here!  8 pounds, 11 ounces and 21 inches long - Joshua Daniel Snow made his arrival into the world on January 9th!  We are very proud grandparents and very excited that we were there for his birth.  It was a hard 24 hours of labor for Mollie but I'm sure she will agree, it was worth it.  We've had time to hold, cuddle and kiss him (not enough time, but will there ever be enough?).  We've also had a wonderful visit with Matt and Mollie but it's time for us to take the big plunge...finish loading the boat and heading south.

Matt (Dad) and their son, Joshua
Just thinking of leaving them behind is really tough.  If the doors on our rental car weren't locked, there is a chance I might not make it back to Charleston.  All of these "good byes" are awful.  Tears my heart out.  The picture I'm posting is me with Joshua at the hospital moments before I left him.  It was so hard.  I was feeling really down and then our oldest son, Justin, called from South America and said - ok, so when will y'all be here.  I laughed.  I guess it is all in your own context.  He is happy to be an uncle but the arrival of Joshua means we get on the boat and start making progress towards him and his family.  He was so excited about us leaving this weekend.  So with a heavy heart I'm leaving Charleston, South Carolina heading towards warmer water and more parts of our family in South America - so the excitement builds again.  I'm pretty sure once we hit South America, Matt in Atlanta, Georgia, will be calling wanting to know when we are heading back to the states.  It's kind of nice to be pulled between North and South America.  

Grammie (Carla) and Joshua


  1. Sweet picture. Safe travels / adventure!!!

  2. Anonymous1/13/2014

    Carla!! He is beautiful!!! Congrats and I hope you have safe travels!!
