This is a blog of our preparation and cruising experiences aboard our sailboat, C-Time. There are many more posts on the other pages, so be sure to click on the "Starboard" and "Port" tabs.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

To Grandmother's House we go...

As we continue our preparations for leaving, we are taking time out for family and Christmas visits.  We are on our way to Memaw's house (Daniel's Mom) to see her and our nieces (Cassy and Chrissy).  We would be seeing Daniel's sister, Kathy, during this visit but she decided to go into the hospital and have her gallbladder removed, very unexpectedly.  Some people will do anything to avoid Christmas fruitcake!  The mom in me is sad for the visit because it's the first visit without all of our "boys" going to Memaw's for Christmas.  Many trips, with a car full of presents and goodies comes to mind as we make the drive to Muscle Shoals, Alabama.  Justin and Brian will be celebrating in Bogota, Colombia this year and Matt is home with a 9-month pregnant wife.  So, they have good excuses, but it doesn't make it any easier on Mom.  This year we have a mostly empty car and a container of pecans to munch on.  I have to remind myself that life is about changes and we have one big change to look forward to in 2014 with moving onto the boat and sailing away.

Add this to having to start saying "good-bye" to some wonderful friends at work and it has been an emotional roller coaster for me lately.  We had a wonderful "good-bye" Christmas dinner at my boss's house with a bunch of my co-workers.  It was a really special time to just sit around the table and share with each other.  I have 6 more "in office" work days and am dreading having to tell everyone a final good-bye.  Some of my wonderful co-workers I have known for 23 years!  You get attached to them after all that kind of time.  Most are excited for us and have been planning ways to "stow away" and go with us.  Some think we're nuts - but they are kind enough to keep it to themselves.

While waiting on my last 6 days at work expire, we are in "wait" mode to leave the dock - waiting on Joshua Daniel to arrive.  As mentioned, Mollie is 9 months pregnant and about to explode with child.  As soon as we get to meet Joshua in person and cuddle with him, we will kiss him goodbye and begin our journey to parts unknown (to us anyway).  I'm dreading the good-byes but getting more excited about what's coming!

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