This is a blog of our preparation and cruising experiences aboard our sailboat, C-Time. There are many more posts on the other pages, so be sure to click on the "Starboard" and "Port" tabs.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Soon To Be Homeless

A very nice couple from Florida has signed a contract to purchase C-Time, and we should close the sale in the next three weeks.  We would like to thank everyone who followed our adventure, especially those who commented on the blog or sent emails.  We would love to read of others' adventures, so please share with us at

In the meantime, we're in the process of changing careers.  Daniel has decided to pursue one of his childhood dreams of becoming an over-the-road truck driver, while Carla is enjoying spending time with our two grandchildren and searching for her next career. We look forward to crossing paths with our many friends, both new and existing.

Until then,

Daniel & Carla