This is a blog of our preparation and cruising experiences aboard our sailboat, C-Time. There are many more posts on the other pages, so be sure to click on the "Starboard" and "Port" tabs.
Sunday, December 29, 2013
All Aboard!
"Home" has taken on a completely different meaning now. We've both moved all our stuff on board, with the exception of Carla's last four sets of work clothes, so when we refer to "home", we're talking about C-Time. Carla has gone back to Columbia to finish wrapping up a few loose ends and to work her last four days. I have to go back to work on Friday to complete the separation process. We've already sold the last two cars, but will be able to use them right up until the end of the week. When Friday arrives, the only thing remaining will be the arrival of our new grandson. We enjoyed a wonderful weekend out in our enclosed cockpit and can't wait to make it a daily ritual.
Saturday, December 21, 2013
$2,000 and counting...
Have you ever spent $2,000 on groceries before? I have and I have to tell you - it's a little scary. I mean, I've spent $200 at the grocery store before (when company was coming to visit - for a week) but I have NEVER spent $2,000 or anywhere near it on groceries before. We have filled the boat 3/4 the way full - if you ask Daniel he will say it IS full - but I still have some spots to fill. As a sample, our grocery shopping included 15 cans of chicken, 10 cans of tuna, 8 (reluctantly, I only wanted 1) cans of green beens, 8 cans of baked beans, 8 cans of asparagus and 8 cans of corn (see a pattern here?). We have spaghetti sauce, alfredo sauce and boxed pizza mixes. We have popcorn, peanuts, and granola bars. We have hamburger meat, frozen chicken, frozen meatballs and frozen chicken wings (that was a spur of the moment purchase and in our defense, we hadn't had lunch yet and it looked really good on the package) and one package of ribeye steaks. The list goes on and on, but you get the idea. We think we have bought a 4 month supply of food items - only time will tell.
To Grandmother's House we go...
As we continue our preparations for leaving, we are taking time out for family and Christmas visits. We are on our way to Memaw's house (Daniel's Mom) to see her and our nieces (Cassy and Chrissy). We would be seeing Daniel's sister, Kathy, during this visit but she decided to go into the hospital and have her gallbladder removed, very unexpectedly. Some people will do anything to avoid Christmas fruitcake! The mom in me is sad for the visit because it's the first visit without all of our "boys" going to Memaw's for Christmas. Many trips, with a car full of presents and goodies comes to mind as we make the drive to Muscle Shoals, Alabama. Justin and Brian will be celebrating in Bogota, Colombia this year and Matt is home with a 9-month pregnant wife. So, they have good excuses, but it doesn't make it any easier on Mom. This year we have a mostly empty car and a container of pecans to munch on. I have to remind myself that life is about changes and we have one big change to look forward to in 2014 with moving onto the boat and sailing away.
Add this to having to start saying "good-bye" to some wonderful friends at work and it has been an emotional roller coaster for me lately. We had a wonderful "good-bye" Christmas dinner at my boss's house with a bunch of my co-workers. It was a really special time to just sit around the table and share with each other. I have 6 more "in office" work days and am dreading having to tell everyone a final good-bye. Some of my wonderful co-workers I have known for 23 years! You get attached to them after all that kind of time. Most are excited for us and have been planning ways to "stow away" and go with us. Some think we're nuts - but they are kind enough to keep it to themselves.
While waiting on my last 6 days at work expire, we are in "wait" mode to leave the dock - waiting on Joshua Daniel to arrive. As mentioned, Mollie is 9 months pregnant and about to explode with child. As soon as we get to meet Joshua in person and cuddle with him, we will kiss him goodbye and begin our journey to parts unknown (to us anyway). I'm dreading the good-byes but getting more excited about what's coming!
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Moving Aboard
The car had been loaded to the gills the night before, so after work I immediately headed to Charleston and moved all my remaining stuff aboard C-Time. Keep in mind that we've spent the last year selling, giving away, and throwing away anything that wouldn't fit on the boat or in a 10'x6' room in our son's basement. Also keep in mind that this is just Daniel's stuff. Carla is still working and living in Columbia, so she still has all her stuff there. It's taken nearly the whole week to find places to put everything, just in time for Carla's visit this weekend. This was the first phase of transitioning from a land-based home to a water-based one. I'm sure many of these things are unnecessary, and as we cruise we'll probably get rid of even more stuff.
Speaking of meat, we went a little crazy picking out meats to freeze. We both underestimated the size of our freezer, so by the time we had vacuum sealed all the meat into meal-sized portions, the freezer was packed to the lid. If we catch any fish on the way to the Bahamas, we'll either have to eat it all or give the rest away.
Tomorrow, I send Carla back to Columbia to work. Although she loves her job and the people she works with, we both are getting more anxious and excited about leaving. T-minus 3 weeks and counting!
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Too Late For a Refund
Ok, we're all set to close on the hangar this week. The only things left are a big carload of stuff to take to the boat, a washer and dryer, and a car. In case we didn't mention it elsewhere, the buyer of our hangar has volunteered to adopt Shula Bear, our 135 pound yellow-haired "baby. That hasn't kept Carla from shedding a few tears as the time draws near, but I know she's very grateful to have a caring new owner for our fella. My last day is Friday, and the "Good-bye's" are progressing well. I'm looking forward to Monday morning when I'll be unemployed for the first time in 32 years, and I get to lay up in bed while Carla finishes up her last weeks at work. I still have a number of things to finish up, but if it's alright with everyone, I'm going to savor the feeling for a couple hours. Hey, I may even go out to the bow of the boat and yell to the world, "I'm unemployed!".
Yesterday I ran into someone who had cruised solo for a few years. He was thrilled to learn of our plans, and stated several times that it will be the best decision we'll ever make. Many people are impressed that we are gutsy enough to make such a drastic change. As Carla and I become more aware of how enslaved we've been to "stuff", and how the next few years will be full of life-changing experiences, we don't really see ourselves as "stepping out". Instead, we view it as embracing a more diverse and rewarding lifestyle. As for a refund, no thanks.
Yesterday I ran into someone who had cruised solo for a few years. He was thrilled to learn of our plans, and stated several times that it will be the best decision we'll ever make. Many people are impressed that we are gutsy enough to make such a drastic change. As Carla and I become more aware of how enslaved we've been to "stuff", and how the next few years will be full of life-changing experiences, we don't really see ourselves as "stepping out". Instead, we view it as embracing a more diverse and rewarding lifestyle. As for a refund, no thanks.
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